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To the Modern Catholic...

Come to the altar of your heart + mind.


What is Mentorship?



Through mentorship, we will take a deep dive into the full view of your whole humanity - body, mind, and Spirit.


This means looking at your experiences from the past, present and future through a blend of psychology, anthropology and spirituality. 





The experiences of your daily life are important and matter. So often we hide from the emotions and feelings that we might experience on a daily basis because they seem too scary.


With mentorship, you're able to look  at the daily happenings of your life while entering more fully into them on a daily basis with your mentor.​​​



Whether you are struggling with anxiety, depression, trauma, addiction, or other typical mental health related issues, are looking for support and clarity in vocation-related struggles or discernment, are simply feeling burned out where you're at in life, or want to go deeper and reach further along your path to holiness and happiness, the Catholic model I practice from will help you.


Who is Mentorship for?


Mentorship is for anyone seeking guidance and support in their personal, vocational and/or professional life. It is especially for individuals navigating new or established relationships, exploring vocational paths, or dealing with challenges such as anxiety or depression.


Whether you're a recent graduate, a career changer, missionary, mama, or on a different journey, mentorship provides a safe space to process your feelings and experiences. 

Saint Mother Teresa

"The poverty of being unwanted, unloved and uncared for is the greatest poverty. We must start in our own homes to remedy this kind of poverty.” 

Mentorship Basics

What is Mentorship?

Mentorship (technically called Integrated Daily Dialogic Mentorship, or IDDM) is neither traditional counseling nor spiritual direction, but occupies a unique space in between those two fields. Mentorship is daily accompaniment, looking at you and your story as an integrated whole, examined at your pace, with the goal of finding happiness and holiness in your life. 

What's your ministry experience? 

Having spent the last 7 years in college and diocesan ministry, I have worked extensively with those of various backgrounds and missions. Looking at the whole person is one of my interests; hence, I have received certifications in Encounter School of Ministry and Natural Family Planning (FEMM) in order to further my knowledge of the human person created by God. 

What are your qualifications? 

As a graduate in the CatholicPsych Model of Applied Personalism (CPMAP) through the CatholicPsych Institute, I am a certified Mentor and CatholicPsych Partner. Trained in the areas of Catholic Anthropology (philosophy of the human person), Spirituality and Psychology, I’m trained to accompany you into the depths of your mind, heart and soul.

Are you a licensed therapist?

While I am not a licensed therapist and cannot diagnose, or prescribe medications, I am here to collaborate with the Holy Spirit in the elevation of every area of your life. I’d consider it an honor to be a part of your journey toward healing, freedom and peace.

Love it! I'm ready to start.

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More questions.


Do you work with men + women?

Yes! I have a heart and passion for mentoring both men + women in the fullness of who God has created each person to be. 


I'm discerning religious life or was recently in religious life? 

Great. Each person's pilgrimage of life is so unique and different. I would love to work with you in whatever vocation you are thinking about/have entered. 


I'm not Catholic? 

No worries. The human blue print is a human blue print, not just a Catholic blue print. I will walk with you wherever you find yourself on the healing journey! 


Can I live anywhere to do mentorship?

Yes! You can live anywhere in the world to do mentorship.

Free Consultation Call

The Mentor.

Hi! I'm Mary.

I'm a Catholic woman who loves Jesus, gluten-free chocolate-chip cake, mental-health and being on mission!


My journey started several years ago when I felt exhausted and burnt-out while on mission. I knew that the Lord had called me to serve others, but I often found myself feeling as if I was wearing a mask and feeling really isolated and lonely while on mission. I didn't know what to do. 


In January 2021, I started my journey with mentorship, leaving daily voice-memos to my mentor. The concept of having a daily mentor was so foreign to me but quickly became a part of my healing journey. 


After years of working in ministry and pursuing my own inner-healing journey, I'm now on mission to help those on mission and beyond with their mental health in the most modern way possible (on your phone)! 


I would love to learn more about who you are and to walk with you on your healing journey. 




P.S: Check out my most recent interview with Dr. Greg, you'll get to hear a little more of my story and why I became a mentor!  

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